Friday, October 5, 2012

Going by-by...and weird dogs.

It all started one afternoon a few days ago my mommy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go "by-by"... I got super excited, cuz u see, the last place we went when she asked me if I wanted to go "by-by" was super fun... it had lots of water (though the water was really yucky tasting), and the ground was all covered in stuff that was really fun to run in, and it wasn't hot there like it was at home, and there were TONS of birds I could chase... anyways, back to the subject, of course I wanted to go. Who wouldnt wanna go somewhere where you don't have to sit around all day and sleep??? So, I went "by-by". And so much for that last thought about going "by-by" and it being super fun, cuz from the moment we left, all I've been doing is sleeping! Also, my mommy and grandpa put me in a cage thing so I can't get out!!! I couldn't believe they could be so mean.

Back on the first day of the trip, while I was stuck here in this ridiculous cage, the car stopped (yay!!! I get to get out!!) and my mommy and grandpa went out and got these two weird dogs that I have never seen before in my life...
this one they call "Kona"
and this one they call "Sassy".

(I was dissapointed to find out that they're both girls.)
And I got really upset cuz these dogs were getting in my car... at least they got locked up in a crate the same as me. How dare they!!! I tried to tell my mommy to get them out but she wouldn't listen, she just went and finished talking to the lady and then got back in the car (so much for getting out.) and we started driving again. Later on that day the car stopped again, and we got to get out (finally!!!! :D) But it wasnt for long because then we got back in the car (again.) and my mommy said it was time for nighty-night. Every day went a little like this, and more and more weird animals got in my car. Here's some pictures of them.
There's this one they call "Porscha":
I really don't like this one because my mommy keeps on calling it "puppers" and "cute little puppy", and telling it that its "a good girl", and so on, so I have concluded to be mad at both of them.
And there's this one they call "Scarlett"
She has a sister named "Abby" that looks just like her... they're actually pretty nice to me.
Then there's the cats... oh, how I get SO sick of their "meow" "meow"  "MEOW!!"!
Here's the two that were already in my car when I got in (which was kinda a surprise, how did they get in there?):
This one my mommy always talks to, she calls it "Zoe"
And there's Zoe's sister, "Leela" which I love cuz she doesn't meow at all...
And then there's the three:
"Sylvester" (the only boy in the car...oh, if only he were a dog!!!)
"Molly" she meows a lot.... :P
and this here is "Alegre", she makes a lot of noise too, but that's just cuz she misses her mommy.

All these is why my mommy doesn't pay any attention to me. And I'm sad. Very sad. So every time my mommy does come up to me and say how I'm her "best girl" and "i love you" etc etc, I just ignore her, unless she's gonna take me outside of course. If she's not gonna pay full attention to me then I won't pay full attention to her. And I have these strange animals to thank for all my madness. Thanks a lot guys. (Or should I say, girls?) Here are some photos of me being upset:
Here's me trying to not act excited about my mommy giving me a treat...
And here's me all locked up in the horrid crate.
I wish every moment that I had never wanted to go on this trip in the first place. This fun trip is turning out to be not so fun. But then again, it's better than a trip to that awful place I get shots at, so maybe in the long run, it's for the better...I'll just have to keep thinking that..."It's for the better....""It's for the better....""It's for the better..."
~Shasta~ (I hacked my mommy's blog for keeping me in this crate)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Westbound Tenants!!!

My dearest readers, I have finally found the time (and internet) to finish this post. I am so very sorry I didnt get it finished earlier. So here it is and just so you know, this is from the LAST trip, these our our pets we had going from the east to the west. Thank you SO much for being patient with me, and I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. :D

Tenant #1 This is Annie, a smooth fox terrier. She loved talking. A lot. :D

Tenant #2 This is Hailey, she is a wheaton terrier, and a very sweet dog, but boy, will she pull you anywhere and everywhere. :)

Tenant #3 This is Max, He and Hailey are brother and sister. He was a very well-mannered boy, and I was sad to give him and his sister back.

Tenant #4 This is Benji, he is a Samoyed. He's a good 'ole boy, and even though he had a little bit of trouble getting around, he was always pulling me to go sniff something over here or there. :)
Tenant #5 This here is Casey, Benji's brother, he is quiet, compared to Benji. Like his brother, he had trouble getting around too, so we used our ramp to get him and Benji in and out of the car.
Tenant #6 Elijah. He is one of the cutest cats I have ever seen. He's only a year old, he loved me petting him, and I hated to give him back. :P If I ever owned a cat, I would want it to be just like Elijah.
Tenant #7This is Schooner, a black lab. She was a sweetie, and absolutely loves people. We fought a constant battle keeping her crate dry. I think she loves swimming.
Tenant #8 Roxy, the boxer. She is just a youngin'. She was always ready to be the first one out for a walk, and was never much for getting back in.
Tenant #9 Dixie!!!!! She is a very well-behaved Golden Retriever. She always did what you told her to do, and never made a mess of her crate. And I think out of all the animals we've ever had, she smelled the best. :D
And, Tenant #10, Lenny the tabby cat. She was very timid, and nervous about traveling. She did ok though, and was very happy to get back to her momma.
And that completes the first trip (well, the first one I actually wrote about.) As you can see, we were very blessed to have such easy-going, well-behaved animals. The few troubles we had were not anything major, and I have Jesus to thank for that.
Thanks again for reading my blog , and I will be posting this trips eastbound tenants tomorrow, so stay tuned. :D