Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From Idaho to Alabama

Ya, it's a long way. Not just from idaho directly to Alabama. But from Idaho, to the middle of Montana, to South Dakota, to Minnesota, to Iowa, to Indiana, to Illinois, to Kentucky, to West Virginia, to Virginia, to North Carolina, to Maryland, to Delaware, to New Jersey, to New York (no NYC this time), to Connecticut, back down to New York, back through New Jersey, then Delaware again, along with Maryland, and Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and then back to Alabama! A LOT of driving, and yes, I do a little bit of it. :D It certainly is NOT an easy job, but who likes easy right?

My picture diary of the road from Idaho to Alabama...

Idaho... look at this picture closely.... now eliminate the "Welcome to Idaho" sign and the radar with the sign below it and the two poles.... do you see that? THAT'S what Idaho really looks like and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

RANDOM FACT TIME!!!! Random fact about Idaho...
In California, when you are driving on the roads (mostly in the rural part), you will see little round, orange things on the sides of the road... what are they? Oranges... Now, when you go up to Idaho, what do you think you find in place of the oranges? You got it! Potatoes!!! Do NOT underestimate how many potatoes are grown in Idaho. There is a TON. And that is my random fact of the day. :D

This I'm pretty sure is Montana... You see a LOT of construction when you drive across the country... A LOT!

This is the beautiful West Yellowstone...

Can't go through Bozeman, MT without stopping by MacKenzie River Pizza Co. for some really good pizza and lodgepoles!! :D

Sometimes, you will see the weirdest things on these road trips... Such as this  "Sticker bus", it sells any and every sticker you can think of... Already made and ready for you to take home! Now isn't that a deal?! (and just in case you were wondering... no. I did not get a sticker.)

And sometimes, my dad lets me drive... while he trys (the key-word) to sleep. No matter, I love driving so I enjoy it whether he gets rest or not. :D

It's funny how you drive through a town and it almost looks familar to you... and then you think... hey! that looks like that one town in that one movie!!! :D This picture right here, looks like one of those towns from a movie...

For those of you that don't know already, these "Pilot Travel Centers" and "Flying J travel plazas" are my second home. Yes, they are truck stops,...you know, the 18 wheelers, those loud things. And Im not even gonna start on the truckers themselves.. lemme just tell you this. I keep pepper spray with me at ALL times.

Also for those of you who have not seen our van we do this in, here is a picture of that as well.

One of the best parts about the trip... the good food. :D although sometimes it might be McDonald's fof breakfast and pb&j for dinner, sometimes we get to have some GOOD food. And by GOOD I mean A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. California Pizza Kitchen would be one of those places. :D

Another one of the best things about the trip... the beautiful sights I get to see. Some of the places we go are so, absolutely, you-cant-get-any-worse, boring. And some of the places we go are totally awesome and exciting. Some of the places are COMPLETELY disgusting. Some of the places we go are really weird. And then there are the places that are just....how should i say it, PERFECT in every way possible. Literally. Long Beach Island in NJ is one of them.

More of the awesome food, and/or dessert... FROYO!!! I don't know one person on earth that does not like Frozen Yogurt. And I don't think I will ever meet one.

Panama City Beach, Florida. Another one of the weirdest things I'll ever see... a house upside down?? okkkkkk. if you say so, i guess.

Ok. I really am lovin this bridge. Isn't it SO cool? It was pretty fun to go over.

Still Panama City Beach, FL...

my first time touching the ocean the Carribean-Gulf of Mexico... :D

Ok, I know this photo below looks like a professional took it, but let me assure you, In fact, I take all of the pictures I post on this blog, except the ones my dad took for me with me in them. :D

I think that was enough pictures for today, don't you? :D My next post will be up soon, it will be featuring the new tenants we have on board now that we finished all our pickups over here on the east coast.

Thank you all for visiting my blog, and also, I would love to know what you guys think about my blog... so please, leave a comment if you will. :D  


  1. Wow! Ree-bekah!!! Such great pics, really terrific captions/narrations/descriptions and a little jealousy on my part too!! It's so great that you get to see (have gotten to see) so much of this 'ole country of ours! Miss you dear... Love, Mrs. Grant

  2. You didn't get a sticker from the sticker bus?!?!? I can't believe you, I've been looking my whole life for the sticker bus!! Ohh well..next time. And was that house upside-down on purpose?
